Django is off the chain.

“I like the way you die boy!”

So, it’s nearly a year since I first heard about this film, the new Quentin Tarantino film – Django Unchained. I was in London doing work experience at a film magazine – go figure and was researching upcoming releases and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t squeal a little when I heard about this particular film. Great director, excellent plot and fantastic cast – what’s not to like? Oh wait, the fact that back then the idea of having to wait until the following Christmas would be hellish but as the teaser trailers and images have surfaced, the excitement has continued and I have to say, it’s probably, now the most anticipated film of the year. I know what you’re thinking cough The Dark Knight Rises cough but Tarantino may just be ahead, we’ll see.

For those of you who may not know about it – 1. Where have you been? 2. Are you stupid or something?! 3. Let me tell you …

Django Unchained is a western film, both written and directed by Tarantino. It’s inspired by the 1960s film Django and even stars the original character of Django Franco Nero who has a cameo. Jamie Foxx plays Django who is a freed slave who treks through America with Dr. King Schultz played by Christopher Waltz – a German dentist turned bounty hunter. Why is Django freed? Well, Schultz requires his help to track town a gang of killers in return to be reunited with his wife Broomhilda (Kerry Washington) who they will have to free from Mississippi plantation owner Calvin Candie – played by Leonardo DiCaprio.

I told you it was a good cast and it doesn’t stop there – Jonah Hill and Samuel L. Jackson are also confirmed.

Best. Cast. Ever.

Of course, as the teaser images have been spiraling through the inter-web I have noticed how great the costumes are looking so I thought I would share them with you:

How exciting.

Django Unchained, is released Christmas Day 2012.

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